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Our last meeting was dedicated to the Arab world, where noted poets Ahmed al-Shahawi (Egypt), Fakhri Ratrout (Palestine), Adnan Al-Sayegh (Iraq), Mohammad Hudaib (Jordan), Najwan Darwish (Palestine). We also have the participation of guests from Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Colombia, Hungary, Bolivia, Ex Yuguslavia, Mexico, Spain and of course Ecuador. 75 voices in total.

Another of our goals in 2014 was to rescue personalities who for many years have been forgotten as Hipólito Alvarado, Hernan Zuniga, Rodolfo Salazar, Carlos Eduardo Jaramillo, Carlos Rojas, among others, and encourage a more heterogeneous encounter increasing women's participation. This time the festival was in honor of the Guayaquil Fernando Cazón Vera.

VII Ileana Espinel Cedeño winner 2014: Wilmer Cabrera García, Machala, with his collection "The mordant garden".

1st mention: Diana Alvarado, "Terror of my kind".

2nd mention: Tyrone Maridueña, "The invocation of vertigo".

3rd mention: María Fernanda Campos, "The woman who inhabits demons".

The sixth edition had a significant change in its focus. From this year the festival stopped being called "young" in order to include more than 35 years experienced voices.

In this occasion attended about 50 exponents from Italy, Ex Yugoslavia, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Spain, Peru, Mexico, Colombia, Iraq, Ecuador. Among them highlighted the Iraqi Basim Furat, who read with particular intonation of his native language, Italian Cinzia Marulli and Salvatore Ritrovato, Mexican Armando Alanís Pulido, Gabriela Cantú Westendarp and Mónica González, Colombian Ángela Suarez, Raul Hernández from Chile and Gabriel Chavez from Bolivia .

The honorees this year were the Guayaquil poets Sonia Manzano and the recently deceased Rafael Diaz Ycaza.

VI Ileana Espinel Cedeño winner 2013: Giovanni Salvatore Bayas Aguiar, Guayaquil, with his collection

"7 steps to open your chest (and die trying)".

1st mention: Cristian López, "Songs of a wounded animal".

2nd mention: Brady Cornejo Gutiérrez, "My mother's tit".

3rd mention: Amanda Pazmiño Torres, "Estategrama".

In our fifth meeting we increase international participants, with the aim of bringing together the leading young exponents of Latin America. The group was formed by 33 poets from Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela, among them we have the Chilean René Silva Catalan, Brazilian Virna Teixeira, Mexican Luis Aguilar and Luis Alberto Arellano. Besides voices between 22 and 30 years as the Argentina Valeria Mieller, Colombian Fernando Vargas Valencia, Chilean Oscar Saavedra and Marcela Saldaño, which by then had write in journals, publish their first books and win several literary awards in their respective countries.

V Ileana Espinel Cedeño winner 2012: Byron Daniel Muñoz Mosquera, Guayaquil, with his collection “Ruido 4”.

1st mention: Lucero Guadalupe Llanos Orellana, "The book of mental illnesses."

2nd mention: Diego Andrés Zaldumbide Bayas, “Hymns and goodbyes”.

3rd mention: Gabriela Janina Vargas Aguirre, "The unfocused god".

The festival's fourth edition had a significant change. For the first time participated poets from other countries and from now on the international word was added to the name.

The delegation consisted of 35 guests from Venezuela, Spain, Argentina, Peru, Mexico and Ecuador, among Venezuelans José Javier Sánchez and Gladys Mendía, the Spanish Alfonso Berrocal, Pablo Méndez and Pablo Garcia-Inés, the Argentina María Eugenia López, the Mexican Mario Z. Puglisi, Peruvian Harold Alva and Giuliana Llamoja.

IV Ileana Espinel Cedeño winner 2011: Adolfo Luis Santiestevan López, Guayaquil, with his collection

"Burned meat and other bodies."

1st mention: Lucero Guadalupe Llanos Orellana, "The poems of the girl from Tokyo".

2nd mention: Giovanni Salvatore Bayas Aguiar, "Lorem Ipsum".

3rd mention: Laura Alexandra Nieves Parco, "Other people's skin".

The aim of our third edition was to include emerging voices from around the country, such as Manta, Loja, Milagro, Cuenca, Tulcán, Zaruma, Alausí, Latacunga, El Oro, Manabi Chone, Otavalo, Quito. Many had not had the opportunity to read in Guayaquil, nor space or spread as other poets of the major cities.

III Ileana Espinel Cedeño winner 2010: Andrés López, Guayaquil, with his collection

"Escaping from Plato's cave."

1st mention: Adolfo Santiestevan, "Burned flesh and other bodies".

2nd mention: Freddy Ayala Plazarte, "The fire ceremonies".

3rd mention: Cristian López, "Hail unravels his naked body in a Dylan Thomas verse".

In its second year the festival maintains its objective: to make known poets of cities that do not have a space for diffusion, such as Manta, Tulcán, Loja, Salinas, Jipijapa, Milagro, Esmeraldas, Latacunga, Chone, Naranjal, Portoviejo, Riobamba , besides Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca. Our participants were Siomara Spain, Luis Alberto Bravo, Rafael Mendez, Solange Rodríguez, Miguel Antonio Chávez, Augusto Rodríguez, Dina Bellrham.

II Ileana Espinel Cedeño winner 2009: Carlos Luis Ortiz Moyano, Alausí, with his collection “The hallucinated child”.

1st mention: Luis Alberto Bravo, "Necessary Jazz".

2nd mention: Ana del Cisne Minga Macas, "In seven days"

3rd mention: Tyrone Estéfano Maridueña Guerrero, “Of exiles, wings and utopias”.



On the fifth anniversary of the literary group Buseta de Papel, its founders created the Festival de Poesía Joven Ileana Espinel. Like many others, the goal of the group was to promote the country's poetry, especially in Guayaquil. That's why the festival is named after the Guayaquil poet Ileana Espinel Cedeño, to spread the work of an artist that had been forgotten. And also to open new spaces for young voices had not had the opportunity to appear.

Sonia Manzano, Maritza Cino and Fernando Cazón Vera gave a presentation about Ileana Espinel. Among the other poets were: Siomara España, Edison Lasso, Alex Tupiza, Diego Cazar, Ernesto Intriago, Alexis Cuzme, Jairo Estacio, Rocío Soria, David Guzman, Tamara Acosta, Rafael Méndez, Andrea Samaniego, Ana Minga, Augusto Rodríguez, Miguel Antonio Chávez, Luis Alberto Bravo, Dina Bellhram, Andrea Icaza, Tyrone Maridueña, Solange Rodríguez, Xavier Hidalgo and Cecibel Ochoa.

I Ileana Espinel Cedeño winner 2008: Rocío Soria, Quito, with her collection “Isadora”.

1st mention: Dina Bellrham, "The Helium Woman."

2nd mention: Tamara Pin Acosta, "Ambiguity of desires"

3rd mention: César Eduardo Galarza, “Disobedient papers”.

4th mention: Johanna López, “Of uncertain origin”.


Ileana Espinel Cedeño Poetry Festival - Guayaquil 2021

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