XIII National Poetry Contest
1. Ecuadorian or foreign writers residing in Ecuador may participate in this contest, with a maximum age limit of 35 years.
2. Participants will send a single long poem or set of poems (maximum ten poems per author)
3. The texts must be unpublished.
4. The works will be presented three clear, perfectly legible copies, raised in computer or typed, on a single page, double-spaced in A4 format.
5. The authors will identify themselves with a pseudonym, and a card with the following information will be attached in a separate envelope: Full name, identity card, home address and telephone number. Only the pseudonym and title of the work will be recorded on the outside of the envelope.
6. The texts will be sent to the House of Ecuadorian Culture, Núcleo del Guayas (XIII Poetry Contest "Ileana Espinel Cedeño") Av. 9 de Octubre No.1200 and Pedro Moncayo (1st floor) Guayaquil
7. The Jury will be made up of distinguished personalities of our letters and their names will be announced only at the time of the verdict.
8. The final deadline for receiving the participating texts will end at 5:00 pm on Friday, October 30, 2020. Works sent by mail that arrive after the date will be considered out of competition. Originals or copies of the submitted works will not be returned.
9. The winner of the award will get a diploma and five hundred dollars. Three honorable mentions will be given.
10. Information to 2300500; 2300586; 2304998.
Fernando Naranjo Espinoza
Nucleo del Guayas Culture House.